Discovering our Ancestors' Travels and Travails

According to census and other records, our grandfather Antoni Maciejewski was born in 1883 and came to America with his parents,

Maciejewski Siblings St. Stanislaus Baptisms

Maciejewski Siblings

Jan and Weronika Maciejewski, in December 1883.

His brothers and sisters were born in Buffalo and baptized at St. Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr Roman Catholic Church.

St. Stan Maciejewski baptism records

Each baptism entry extended across 2 pages, put together here for conciseness. After the entry number in the book are the child’s name, the date of baptism, the date of birth, the father’s name and birthplace, the mother’s name and birthplace, the child’s sponsors (godparents), and the person who performed the sacrament.

Often the date of baptism and date of birth are the same. If a child died unbaptized, Roman Catholic doctrine of the time said that their soul would go neither to heaven or hell. Rather, the theory was that an unbaptized child would enter into Limbo, So it behooved parents to have their children baptized as soon as possible, often by a priest (identified by the title Ksiądż, priest) or the midwife. If a child were sickly, almost anyone, within reason, could administer the sacrament.

Although I was clearly able to identify Tylice in some records as the birthplace of Jan or Weronika, Nieżywięć was a little harder to decipher. It’s most clearly written in the records of Anna and Ludwik.

Comments on: "St. Stanislaus Baptism Records" (8)

  1. […] think I may have found the family of my grandfather’s brother who was baptized Konstanty Maciejewski and used the name August Warner. (Gus is a nickname for Constantine.) He was born in Buffalo 28 […]


  2. […] they came to the United States in the 1880s. Their names were spelled in Polish correctly for the baptisms of their children there. The parents’ villages were not consistent, but by finding places near to each other, I […]


  3. […] However, I never got much information about their brothers Konstanty and Ludwik. They were in the St. Stanislaus RC Church baptism register. I tried calling and writing, but the trail grew […]


  4. […] in Buffalo, and the births of Konstanty, Wicktoria, Marya, Anna, and Ludwik followed. I found the children’s baptismal records in the registers of St. Stanislaus RC Church in Buffalo, New York. However, I did not find their births recorded in civil records for the state […]


  5. […] the the record of Jan’s death in 1896 and the baptism records of Antoni’s siblings at St. Stanislaus RC Church in Buffalo, New York, I was able to find Jan and Weronica’s 1869 […]


  6. […] the the record of Jan’s death in 1896 and the baptism records of Antoni’s siblings at St. Stanislaus RC Church in Buffalo, New York, I was able to find Jan and Weronika’s 1869 […]


  7. […] 1883, they had my grandfather Antoni. Later that same year they immigrated to America, where they added five more children to their family, who all grew to […]


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